Monday, March 05, 2007

How time flies!!

This little fella is 11 months old already! How time flies, he's gonna be ONE in a few weeks time. Jayden was on mummy's milk until he was 10 months. Afterwhich, he was supplemented with Dumex Mamil Gold (Step2). Jayden's still waking up at least once at night for his milk feed, and drinking about 180ml per feed now. Jayden started taking solid food a week before he turned 6 months old, showing all the symptoms described in books and websites... We followed pretty closely to Gina Ford's - The Contented Little Book of Weaning, Jayden adapted well to the new food. He had fever once, after taking the 2nd 6-in-1 jab. Poor Jayden, however, he got well within 2 days-the benefit of mummy's milk I guess. Jayden is getting pretty hyper these days, climbing onto sofas, attempted to climb up the gate, stairs, beginning to 'cruise' around the coffee table, etc.. He is well taken care by his granny and grandpa, who has 101% attention on him when he's awake.

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